If both of those cards are drawn early, they essentially provide ~60 points of healing for the Mage, so Miracle Rogue literally does not have enough damage in the deck to finish the game. Additionally, Reno Mage has access to the Ice Block + Reno combo. The Mage spell removal suite lines up quite well against Rogue minions, and Flamestrike is extra strong since there are no minions in the standard Miracle deck that are above 4 health(other than Edwin). While standard Miracle is supposed to be favored against them all, Reno Mage can cause problems.

The main strength of this deck over standard Miracle is in the matchup against Reno decks, especially Reno Mage. I also did end up getting bursted for 16 damage on the final turn from an empty board. In the end I still lost because there was no way of stopping all the direct face damage.

I was winning the entire game and at one point even had two unanswered Tomb Pillagers on board. I vividly remember a recent game I played against a Pirate Warrior where I went first and had a Turn 1 Pirate opener. This N’Zoth Rogue deck has much less reach so it can’t really deal with decks that run lots of charge minions. Even standard Miracle Rogue fares better against aggro since it can race them with Leeroy and Cold Bloods. Unfortunately even with the amazing Pirate early game, the deck still has the usual Rogue problem of being weak to aggro.

So we have a good matchup against every control deck in the game. We can play the value game against control decks and since we’re Rogue, we easily out tempo them as well. So this is a value based deck that runs some of the Miracle Rogue cards as a draw engine. It also makes cards like Shiv and Shadow Strike unnecessary since you can just use your pirates to keep your opponent’s board clear early on. It gives the deck an amazing early game which is something that Rogue has never had in the past. The key changes are in adding the 5 card Pirate core with Patches that so many decks are running nowadays. It’s nothing particularly groundbreaking, though.Īs you can see it’s the N’Zoth Miracle Rogue deck that I played in the past two metas updated for Gadgetzan. With so many one-drops it’s very likely you will pull them so don’t be afraid to hard mulligan.Another Hearthstone post! After a bunch of testing, I have finally settled upon a fun deck that works decently in this meta. Look for these cards, and don’t be greedy with a Flamewreathed Faceless, especially if you’re not on the coin. The dream start in most matchups is the double Tunnel Trogg, Lightning Bolt, followed by a Totem Golem. Try that out instead of the portal if you’re meeting a lot of Druid on ladder and huge taunts. I still like using 1 x Earth Shock as seen in Chakki’s Aggro Shaman deck at the NA Summer Prelims. The addition of Maelstrom Portal and Lighting Storm makes these matchups much more even. But it struggles vs other aggro decks that flood the board. But as is often the case, the card looks much different after being tested.Īggro Shaman is one of the strongest decks on ladder, there is no doubt there. People were quick to write off Maelstrom Portal, especially as an aggro tool. This is the HotMEOWTH Rank 1 Legend Karazhan Aggro Shaman w Maelstrom Portal you may have heard about. Author Gibbon Slayer Posted on SeptemSeptemCategories Decks, Shaman Tags aggro shaman decks, fr0zen decks, hearthstone tournament decks, season 30 decks, september 16 decks Leave a comment on Fr0zen PAX One Nation of Gamers Aggro Shaman Deck *Rank 1 Legend* Xixo Aggro Shaman w Spirit Claws Deck It’s a great tournament deck and has some matchups that are really favorable, you will tear through Druids with a slow start, Hunters, and do well against Dragon Warriors. This is a pretty standard aggro Shaman list, we have all been terrorized by aggro Shamans for a few seasons now. He turned up with 5 of the strongest META decks, and although sometimes tournament decks are sometimes teched to deal with certain classes, his decks are pretty standard strong ladder decks. So, to win it was pretty damn awesome, and I thought I’d look at the decks he used. This tourney was a pretty big deal and most of the best Hearthstone Pro’s were there. Anyone following the Hearthstone tournament scene will know that Fr0zen won the PAX West tournament held on the 2-3 September, 2016.